I.V. Hydration Therapy
“Experience What 100% Hydrated & Nourished Feels Like!"

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“I.V. Hydration + Vitamin Therapy. . . Your road to Fast Recovery!”

"Our Nurses have over 10 years of Advanced Medical Experience & will customize your IV treatment plan to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the most optimal Full Body & Skin Rejuvenation!"

What Is I.V. Hydration Therapy? - I.V. hydration therapy is a Quick & Effective Treatment that is administered threw your circulatory system via a small I.V. placed in an area that is comfortable such as your arm or hand. treatments are Painless & normally only take 30min - 1 hr to infuse!

What To Expect? - When we infuse your body with essential vitamins, minerals, & electrolytes, you'll be able to Boost your Energy levels, Enhance your performance, the Look of your Skin, Hair & helps Clients to Feel Revitalized quickly!

"IV hydration therapy has numerous benefits for the overall health of our body, but did you know that it can also work wonders for our skin, hair, and nails?"

Benefits of IV Hydration for Skin, Hair, and Nails: 

1. Rehydrate Your Skin From Within: 2. Restore Moisture Balance: 3. Boost Collagen Production: 

4. Rejuvenate Skin From the Inside Out: 5. Nourish Your Nails: 6. Strengthen Your Hair: 

Vitamin Benefits: 

IV Fluid – one of the most common reasons for fatigue and exhaustion is actually dehydration.

Vitamin B complex – supplementation of B vitamins has been shown to improve ratings of stress, mental health, vigor, and cognitive performance. These b vitamins are essential in helping your body breakdown and convert food into the energy it needs to function and thrive. Deficiency can manifest in many ways so be sure to look out for fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, and depression.

Vitamin B12 – is a powerhouse for the body, helping make DNA, nerve and blood cells. Your metabolism cannot function without it and no metabolism, no energy. For the 40% of Americans deficient in cobalamin (B12), signs include exhaustion, fatigue and, brain fog.

Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) supplementers have noted easier workouts and significant decreases in fatigue, particularly when given intravenously (IV). It is an important supporter of adrenal gland function and therefore helps modulate stress responses and fight fatigue.

Taurine – is an important amino acid for neurotransmission, neuroprotection, and neurogenesis. Taurine is especially helpful in regulating your mood and stress levels to help you focus and devote your energy to the tasks at hand. improved leading to even more energy the next day.

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“IMMUNITY BOOSTER” (For sickness & Prevention)

60 min | $175
“Give your immune system a fighting chance. . . boost immunity to help your body fight off and or prevent future sickness"

  • Replenish your body with hydrating fluids to strengthen your immune system.
  • B vitamins give you energy
  • Vitamin B12 can help increase the number of white blood cells in your body.
  • Vitamin C helps you ward off inflammation and infection & is one of the biggest immune boosters
  • Anti-inflammatory additives keep you from getting sick, and also helps alleviate any aches and pains.
  • Thought to slow virus replication, zinc can help your white blood cells function and prevent you from catching a bug.


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione
  • Zinc

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“MAX BEAUTY” (Skin Collagen, Hair & Nails + Anti-oxidant)

60 min | $175
“A perfect blend of Anti-oxidants for Brighter, Healthier looking Skin Hair & Nails"

  • Brighter more Radiant Skin
  • Helps Build Skin Collagen
  • Strong Nails 
  • Promotes Thick & Healthy Hair Growth


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione
  • Zinc

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“HANGOVER HELPER” (Hangover Symptoms)

60 min | $200
“Rough Night?. . . Let us Help!"

  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Irritability and anxiety


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Anti-Inflammatory,Anti-Inflammatory,
  • Headache, & Pain Medicine
  • Anti-nausea and vomiting medication
  • Glutathione
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin B12

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"TOTAL HYDRATION" (Full Body Hydration)

60 min | $110
“Studies show that most people are Dehydrated 75% of the time"

  • Better focus, mental clarity and concentration
  • Improved mood and energy levels
  • Clearer, glowing skin
  • Extra cushioning between muscles and joints
  • Better endurance and cardiovascular health


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)

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60 min | $175
“For those rough mornings of Nausea from whatever the cause may be. . . "

  • This amazing iv hydration infusion has just the right medications to help your body feel less nauseated, while supplying essential nutrients your body may be low on. Drips like this can be important in helping to maintaining your hydration levels during pregnancy and help to ensure that your able to keep down all your prenatal vitamins!


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Anti-Nausea AKA Vomiting Medicine

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"MYERS COCKTAIL” - Improve Mood, Reduce Stress & Increase Energy

60 min | $200
"Our #1 Most Popular I.V. Infusion For Overall Wellness"

  • Immediate full-body hydration
  • Improved mood & energy levels
  • Reduced stress, fatigue and anxiety
  • Alleviation of inflammation, seasonal allergies, cramps, migraines and other chronic symptoms
  • A stronger immune system


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin B12 
  • Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
  • Magnesium 

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“ALL NIGHTER” (Energy & Focus)

60 min | $175

“Let's Get er Done!"


  • Lose unwanted weight
  • Sleep soundly
  • Enjoy glowing, healthy skin
  • Enhance your productivity at home or school
  • Manage stress better and cope with whatever life throws at you
  • Find the motivation needed for everyday tasksPROMOTES ENERGY & FOCUS


  • IV Fluid (1,000 ML) AKA 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Salt-Electrolyte)
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Vitamin B12 
  • Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
  • Taurine 

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